The Congregation of the Sister’s of St. Ann was founded in 1834. The congregation which began as tiny seed in Turin, Italy, made its first Missionary journey to India in 1871 under the direction of Blessed Enrichetta, the Co-Foundress, then Mother General of the Congregation.

In 1932 some well-wishers decided to start a school in Thivim. A subscription was raised and about Rs.200.- was collected. With this amont a School, with thirty children, was started in a private house run by Mr. Peter D’Souza of Thivim. There was another active lady worker, Mrs. Pereira. However, as they could not meet the difficulty of paying the teachers, each had to take two or three classes. After two years there was little progress.

Then Mr. Prospero Pereira from Sirsaim approached Fr. Mendonca, M.A., the Principal of Arpora school and Fr. Monteiro was sent to carry on and improve the school. The children increased to ninety and there were Classes up to the old Seventh Standard. When Fr. Monteiro left. Fr. Ubaldo D’Souza took up his place.

It was then that the people decided to entrust the School to the Sisters of St. Ann. Mother Clemenza, the then Provincial, accepted the proposal and in August 1949 the School was handed over to the Sisters of St. Ann. of Providence. In 1967, a red day dawned in the annals of the School. Permission was granted to send candidates for the S.S.C Board Examination.

The School has been serving the village more than half a century. Many parents want that the School be upgraded to Plus Two. It depends much on the people of Thivim and the authorities to provide us with such a facility and grants etc.

As the aim of the School is to bring about all round development of the pupils, much importance is given to curricular activities, value education and regular attendance in the School. The School conducts co-curricular activities such as debates, elocution, dramatics, essay writing, dance and other competitions to give opportunities to all our pupils to manifest their talents.

In order to make our pupils develop qualities of sportsmanship and a team spirit, Physical Education forms the back-bone of all our activities. As the ancient saying goes “sound mind in a sound body” we try to give our boys and girls ample opportunities for activities in this field.

The School aims at helping the pupils of Thivim village to imbibe good values and encourages them through career guidance to continue their studies or to pursue job-oriented courses.