The Management,Staff and Students celebrated 25 years of service of Sir Ravindra Borkar at St Anns High School,Tivim. The programme was innougrated with guard of honour followed by prayer service, dances, acts, songs performed by students..Students and staff congratulated Sir Ravi for his Service and wished him all d best for his future years to serve the school. We wish Sir all the best for this work and dedication to the school

On the occasion of Swachhta Pakhwada, the school organised cleanliness drive of cleaning the school Campus on the theme of Swachata he Sewa.
Various activities were conducted by the school.

Approach Road Cleaning , Classroom Cleaning, Administrative Office Cleaning Library, Staff room and surrounding areas.

The full school participated in the Cleanliness Drive along with the Teachers , Non Teaching Staff and Students.

Workshop held on Personal health and hygiene by a team of experts on health and nutrition from Goa School of Management..
The students benefitted from the seminar on how to maintain personal hygiene and provided material on nutrition.
#seminar #hygiene #nutrition #healthtalk

Nature club activities held on 16th August 2019 with most of the students participating in some other competition.
#natureclub #funtimes

Water Conservation and Tree plantation Activities
Students prepared slogans on Water Conservation. Drawing & Painting was also held on how to save water..
Talk and presentation was held in the Audio/Visual room giving the students the awareness on Water Conservation
#Savewater # Savelife #SaveplanetEarth 🌍🌧💧

As part of the Van Mahotsav week, the staff and students celebrated the day with tree plantation along with the nature club members..The program was then continued by tree plantation in the school premises… After the program teachers and students had Vana Bhojan celebration by exchanging of home made food with everyone..
#VanMahotsav #Vanbhogan

The Management, Staff and Students organised a Peace March at 8.30 a.m to express our solidarity with the Jawans who were killed in Pulwama in Kashmir. March was from the school to the Panchayat followed till the ground and back to the school. Students prepared pla-cards showing the love for the soldiers who lost their life in the attack in Kashmir.

The Management and Staff of St. Ann’s High School, Tivim conducted a Cleanliness Drive from the school to the village panchayat and surrounding areas. Students of St.IX along with their teachers collected waste like Paper, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Bags and many more items and segregated them in disposable bags.. The main aim behind this drive was to send a message to everyone to treat your garbage at home and try to avoid using plastic items.